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Felons listen up. This is your weekly #HustleHarder post. You have a bunch of crimes on your background check. Your work history is spotty. Credit check is screwed. And… now you want a career. Most employment agencies wont even help you. Well, maybe if you want daily labor pay or something. Good luck with that….

Many of you know that a few weeks ago, Chris started staying on my couch. After picking him up in Minneapolis, we stopped at Burger King and I noticed something after we were done eating. He grabbed my trash and his and threw it away. He held the door open for both of us when…

If you would’ve asked me the day I got sober what I wanted in life, I would’ve said “I just want to see my kids and not drink anymore”. But, I would’ve be lying, kinda. I knew that getting sober and seeing my kids were not going to happen. For me to see my kids, I…

In 2008 one in every 99.1 adults was behind bars in America. With more than 1.5 million in state or federal prisons and more than 700,000 in local jails, the United States incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. In addition, (March 2009) reports that there are over 4.2 million people on…

I think it is my responsibility to go back where I came from and help others. At one time, I was just a guy with a few numbers behind my name and jealous of those who had titles or letters behind their name. Today, I no longer care about those titles. Below, you will find…